FANFEST Results 1 /15/06
AJ Creed d. Kaleb Kastle by DQ
Ric Hayes/JB Wild d. Louie Bluto/Brock Borden
Prophet d. Bubba Boodrow in a Dog Collar Match
Jeremy Westmoreland d. Storm to retain the XVW Title
Syko won the first Bunkhouse Brawl
Results 1/14/06
AJ Creed and Jamie Idol were both counted out
Ric Hayes/JB Wild d. Tony D. Rock/Kaleb Kastle
Prophet d. Louie Bluto
Jeremy Westmoreland d. Will Rage
Vex and Brock Borden were both disqualified
Storm d. Misty Heat/Enigma in a Handicap match
Bubba Boodrow/Insane Lane d. Syko/Joker
Kris McInnis d. J-Dawg in a US title v. Loser Leaves match
Results 1/7/05
Joker d. Jamie Idol to capture the XVW Lightheavyweight title
AJ Creed d. Tony D. Rock by DQ
Kris McInnis and J-Dawg's match was ruled a double pin
Brock Borden d. Vex
Insane Lane d. Will Rage
Jeremy Westmoreland d. Kaleb Kastle by DQ in a non title match
Ric Hayes/JB Wild d. Bubba Boodrow/Storm & Prophet/Syko to capture the XVW tag team titles
Results 12/30/05 HOLIDAY HOLOCAUST
Jeff Jameson/AJ Creed d. Chris Bradley/Chrisjen Hayme
Kris McInnis d. Chris Castle to retain the XVW US title
Ric Hayes/JB Wild d. Tony D. Rock/Little E in a Tornado Tag Match
Prophet d. Bubba Boodrow in a Street Fight
The Disciples{Joker/Enigma/Misty Heat} d. Storm/Kaleb Kastle/Jewdis
J-Dawg d. Jeremy Westmoreland by DQ in a XVW title match
Syko and Insane Lane's TAI PEI DEATH Match was called a double countout
Results 12/17/05
Tony D. Rock/Little E v. Ric Hayes/JB Wild was thrown out
Brock Borden d. Kris McInnis in a non title match
Joker d. Kaleb Kastle
Jamie Idol d. Tank
Jeremy Westmoreland retained the XVW title against Bubba Boodrow by DQ
Results 12/10/05
Joker d. Tony D. Rock
Jeff Jameson d. Jamie Idol in a non title match
Kris McInnis d. Insane Lane to capture the XVW US title
Kaleb Kastle/Brock Borden d. Tank/Vex by countout
Little E d. JB Wild
Bubba Boodrow and Syko's match was thrown out
Results 12/03/05
Jamie Idol d. Little E to retain the XVW Lightheavyweight title
Bubba Boodrow d. Vex
Ric Hayes & JB Wild d. Jeremy Westmoreland & Kris McInnis by DQ
Tony D. Rock d. Chris Bradley
Prophet & Syko d. Brock Borden & Kaleb Kastle to retain the XVW tag team titles
Joker d. Wil Rage in a Grudge Match
Results 11/27/05
Chrisjen Hayme d. Jeff Jameson
Will Rage d. Enigma by DQ
Ric Hayes/JB Wild/Vex d. Little E/Brock Borden/Kaleb Kastle
Jamie Idol d. Joker to retain the XVW Lightheavyweight title
Syko d. Tony D. Rock
Prophet d. Bubba Boodrow
Jeremy Westmoreland retained the XVW title against J-Dawg
Results 11/19/05
J-Dawg d. Jamie Idol & Kris McInnis in a Triple Threat where the winner receives a XVW title
shot at the title of his choosing
Ric Hayes/JB Wild d. Tony D. Rock/Brock Borden
Vex d. Joker
Insane Lane d. Jeremy Westmoreland by DQ in an XVW title match
Prophet & Syko d. Bubba Boodrow & Will Rage to capture the VACANT XVW tag team titles
Results from XXXtreme 11/18/05
Big Spade d. J-Dawg
Ric Hayes d. Tony D. Rock
Canadian Impact d. Bubba Boodrow & Will Rage to capture the XVW tag team titles
Jamie Idol d. Jeff Jameson & Joker in a Triple Threat to win the XVW Lightheavyweight title
Prophet & Syko d. Spidar Boodrow & Insane Lane in a Hardcore match
Results 11/12/05
J-Dawg d. Chrisjen Hayme
Jamie Idol & Vex d. Brock Borden & Tony D. Rock
Taylor Marx d. Chad Allen by DQ
Insane Lane and Chris Lee's US title match was thrown out
Prophet & Will Rage wrestled Syko & Joker to a Double DQ in a fans pick match
Jeremy Westmoreland d. Bubba Boodrow & Ric Hayes in a fans pick triple threat match for the XVW
Results 11/5/05
Jamie Idol d. Brock Borden
Joker d. Jeremy Westmoreland in a non title match
Tony D. Rock d. Vex
Insane Lane d. Ric Hayes in a non title match
Marty Shiffbower d. Spidar Boodrow
Bubba Boodrow & Will Rage d. Prophet & Syko by DQ to retain the XVW tag team titles
Results 10/29/05 HALLOWEEN HORROR
Will Rage d. Brock Borden
Taylor Marx d. Kris McInnis in an ANYTHING GOES match
Bubba Boodrow d. Ric Hayes in a WEAPONS MATCH
Enigma d. Tony D. Rock in a CHAIN ON A POLE MATCH
Insane Lane captured the XVW US title over Big Spade in a TRICK BAG match
Syko & Joker d. Jamie Idol & Vex in a COFFIN MATCH
Jeremy Westmoreland and Spidar Boodrow's CHAIN MATCH for the XVW Heavyweight title was ruled a draw
Results 10/22/05
Ric Hayes d. Brock Borden
Tony D. Rock d. Will Rage
Jamie Idol d. Joker
Big Spade d. Taylor Marx
The Syndicate v. The Disciples were thrown out
Results 10/15/05
Taylor Marx d. Tony D. Rock by reverse decision
Insane Lane d. Kris McInnis
Jeremy Westmoreland & Ric Hayes won a squash
Spidar Boodrow d. Marty Shiffbower by DQ
Bubba Boodrow & Will Rage d. AJ Creed & Jamie Idol to capture the XVW tag team titles
Marty Shiffbower won an over the top rope battle royal to gain a shot at the winner of the Spidar
Boodrow v. Jeremy Westmoreland title match at Halloween Horror.